OET stands for Occupation English Test and it is a healthcare-specific English language proficiency test. It is devised for medical practitioners that are required to showcase their English language proficiency in a healthcare-specific context.
OET is recognized by regulatory healthcare boards and councils in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Dubai, Singapore, Namibia, and Ukraine and so anyone moving to these countries and looking to work in the healthcare sector should consider taking this exam.

There are 4 parts to OET

  • Listening, 50 min
  • Reading 60 min
  • Writing 45 min
  • Speaking 20 min

OET can be taken by 12 different healthcare professions; these are Occupational Therapy, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Dietetics, Medicine, Optometry, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology, and Veterinary Science. The writing test and speaking test are profession-specific so they focus on relevant language and familiar situations.
From late January, this year, 2020, the Nursing Midwifery Council, NMC, UK has started accepting C+ grade in Writing sub-test alongside grade C in Speaking, Listening and Reading sub-test.
The change came into effect from 28 January 2020. OET results achieved during the previous two years that meet the new demands (Writing C+) will also be taken into consideration by the regulator.
Another major change introduced is that there will now be 22 test dates (for medicine and nursing) in 2020 which is a significant development as many test dates sold out last year.

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